The Republic of Kenya has been facing recurrent episodes of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) since the virus was first discovered in the Rift Valley area of Kenya in the early 1900s. Between June 2018 and April 2019, Kenya declared two outbreaks of RVF and requested African Union support. As an institution of the African Union, Africa CDC provided support through its Eastern Africa Regional Collaborating Centre.
Finalize the laboratory training curriculum so it can be adopted and used for expanded training in Kenya and other countries, including those at risk of RVF or other viral haemorrhagic fevers.
Hold additional training programmes to strengthen RVF laboratory services, preparedness and surveillance in the East African Region.
Support institutionalization of the ‘One Health’ approach to disease surveillance in the region.
Support stockpiling of laboratory supplies to strengthen preparedness and ensure promptness of responses to future outbreaks.
Key Challenges
▶ Given the huge economic impact RVF has on livestock, some communities are reluctant to cooperate with health administrators during outbreaks because of the fear of a slaughter ban.
▶ RVF is a seasonal disease and biomedical companies only produce laboratory reagents on demand. This can cause significant delays in the delivery of supplies to laboratories and health facilities.