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The Transition Support Group Meeting on Mali (TSG-Mali), at its 3rd meeting held on 6 September 2022, in Lomé, Togo, under the auspices of the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United Nations (UN), adopted the following Conclusions:
1. Welcomed with deep appreciation, the opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, President of the Togolese Republic, delivered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, Honorable Robert Dussey;
2. Took note of the statements made by H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Diop, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Mali; H.E. Mr. Bankole Adeoye, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security; H.E. Dr Abdel Fatau Musah, ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security; H.E. Mr. El- Ghassim Wane; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali and Head of MINUSMA;
3. Also present at the meeting were; H.E. Mrs. Samate Minata Cessouma, AU Commissioner for Humanitarian, Health and Social Development; Prof Babacar Kante, Member of the AU Panel of the Wise; H.E. Maman Sidikou, AU High Representative for Mali and Sahel; and H.E Annadif Saleh, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOWAS, as well as Representatives of bilateral and multilateral partners;
4. Welcomed the presentations by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Head of the Malian Delegation and other Members of the Transition Authorities of Mali, on the evolution of the transition process in Mali; and took note of the following priorities of the Transition Authorities of Mali:
i. the support of the international community in general and the Members of the GST-Mali to the transition process in Mali;
ii. the progress made by the Transition Authorities and the strengthening of political support for the Malian Authorities;
iii. advocacy and call for the lifting of the suspension of the participation of Mali in the activities of ECOWAS, AU, and Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF);
iv. effective and efficient coordination of partner support in accordance with the vital needs of the Malian people and Mali's strategic priorities and interests;
v. financial, material and logistical support for the organization of voting operations and support for the security of these operations;
vi. technical, financial, material, and logistical support for the implementation of the National Strategy for Security Sector Reform and its 2022-2024 Action Plan, the Stabilization Strategy for the Central Regions (SSC) and its 2022-2024 Action Plan;
vii. technical, financial, material, and logistical support for the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their localities and the restoration of socio-economic services in areas affected by the crisis; viii. financial support within the framework of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) process of ex-combatants to cover expenses related to the training of ex-combatants and their reintegration projects;
ix. partners’ budgetary support for Mali and contributions in support of Mali’s priority social and development expenditure in the context of the implementation of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process.
5. Commended the progress attained in the transition period in Mali, including the adoption of the Programme of Action of the Transition by the National Transitional Council (NTC) in August 2021, built around four (4) priority areas namely: (i) the strengthening of security throughout the national territory, (ii) political and institutional reforms, (iii) the organization of general elections, and (iv) the promotion of good governance. The meeting took note of the holding of the National Dialogue for the Rebuilding of the State (ANR) of December 2021; the detailed transition timetable; progress on the political and institutional reforms; preparations for the elections; challenges related to defense and security issues, economic and humanitarian situation, as well as the process on the implementation of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process;
6. Expressed satisfaction with the resumption of the activities of the TSG-Mali and the lifting of the economic and financial sanctions on Mali by the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and ECOWAS, following agreement on the new timetable of the transition; the meeting recognized the establishment of the Steering Committee of the Joint Committee for the Monitoring of the Political and Electoral Reform Programme and the holding of the 2nd meeting of the Committee, on 31 August 2022, under the chairmanship of the Acting Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, with the participation of other members of the Government of Mali, and the representatives of ECOWAS, AU, and UN;
7. Welcomed the Programme of Actions of the Transitional Government (PAGT) of Mali adopted by the NTC in August 2021, and stressed the importance of its implementation for the achievement of the objectives of the Transition. Moreover, the meeting noted with satisfaction the adoption of a new electoral law, with the establishment of the Independent Electoral Management Authority (AIGE), the enlargement of the composition of the NTC, the legislative body of the transition, to ensure inclusivity, and the appointment of the members of the Committee responsible for drafting the preliminary version of the new Constitution;
8. Further welcomed the holding of the National Conference on State Rebuilding (ANR), to discuss key challenges facing the country, as well as measures aimed at national cohesion. In the same vein, noted with satisfaction the resumption of the activities of the political dialogue framework between the Transition Authorities and socio-political actors and stressed the need for Malian stakeholders to maintain and consolidate dialogue and consultations with a view to preserving the spirit of consensus and inclusivity during the transition period, towards achieving successful reforms and peaceful elections;
9. Strongly condemned terrorist attacks perpetrated against civilian population, MINUSMA peacekeepers, and the Malian Defense and Security Forces and called for synergy of actions and enhanced cooperation to effectively combat Armed Terrorist Groups (ATGs) in the country and the region; in addition, the meeting commended the efforts made by the Malian Transition Authorities in strengthening the operational capacities of the Malian Defence and Security Forces and the results achieved in the fight against terrorism, violent extremism, and transnational organized crime; In this regard, the meeting reiterated its call to support the efforts of Mali, in line with its articulated priorities and needs;
10. Noted with concern the negative effects of the multidimensional crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and WAEMU and ECOWAS financial and economic sanctions on Mali; in this regard, urged the Technical and Financial Partners to provide the necessary support to Mali to facilitate the implementation of the Government Action Plan for the Transition;
11. Applauded the progress made in the implementation of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process, in particular the holding of the Second Decision-Making Level Meeting (RND) in August 2022, in Bamako, in which the Malian parties continued with the dialogue aiming at achieving tangible results on DDR issues, political and institutional reforms related to constitutional revision. The Meeting noted that the Second Decision-Making Level Meeting supported the Malians to reach an agreement on the distribution of the global quota for the integration of 26,000 ex-combatants, including 13,000 between 2023 and 2024 in the constituted bodies of the State; in this regard, the TSG urged Malian stakeholders to continue the dynamism in a spirit of fraternity, compromise, and consensus in addressing challenges facing the country, including the fight against terrorism and insecurity;
12. Took note of Mali's expectations in terms of multifaceted support for the transition process and committed to providing the necessary support for the implementation of the priority actions of the transition defined by the Malian authorities; in this regard, the meeting took note of the pledges made by members of TSG and encouraged them to ensure timely delivery of the pledged support;
13. While acknowledging MINUSMA’S pivotal role in support of stabilization efforts including support to previous electoral processes, the meeting specifically appealed to the relevant regional and international institutions, including WAEMU, African Development Bank (AfDB), Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD), the European Union, the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations system, the OIF, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), ECOWAS and the AU, as well as Mali's partner countries, to take all measures, to consolidate their political, economic, technical and financial support to the Republic of Mali for the effective implementation of its programs and activities;
14. In view of the aforementioned, the meeting requested the AU, ECOWAS, and UN to support the efforts of the Transition Authorities of Mali towards a smooth return to constitutional order;
15. Noted submissions by the Malian delegation on the negative impacts of the various suspensions and targeted sanctions, taken against Mali at the level of ECOWAS, the AU, and the OIF, which led many bilateral and multilateral partners to reduce to the bare minimum the level of their cooperation with Mali in many vital areas; also noted the request by the Transitional Authority of Mali on the examination of the situation in the country at the level of the deliberating bodies of these institutions with a view to revisiting these measures in the context of progress in the transition process in Mali. This would enable Mali to resume its place within the said institutions and to benefit from the full political, economic, financial, material, and technical support needed to achieve the objectives of the transition in the bid to ensure a return to constitutional order and the stability of Mali;
16. Commended the sustained efforts of H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, President of the Togolese Republic, for his support to Mali and encouraged Togo to continue its efforts to strengthen peace and stability in Mali and West Africa. In addition, the meeting expressed deep gratitude to the people and Government of the Togolese Republic for the facilities and hospitality graciously provided for the organization of the meeting. The meeting equally expressed gratitude to the AU Commission for the smooth organization of the meeting;
17. Agreed to hold the 4th meeting of the TSG-Mali in Bamako, Mali, in the first quarter of 2023, at a date to be agreed through consultations.
Adopted on 6 September 2022, in Lomé, Togo